
Hunt warns against fuelling inflation but hints at tax cuts for businesses

Jeremy Hunt has heightened expectations that he will cut taxes on businesses in a bid to boost growth with his autumn statement but downplayed chances of reducing income tax.

The Chancellor persistently warned against changes that could fuel inflation, dampening speculation that income tax or national insurance could be reduced.

He suggested during a round of broadcast interviews ahead of Wednesday鈥檚 financial package that the personal tax burden will not come down 鈥渙vernight鈥 as he seeks to avoid prices spiralling again.

Rachel Reeves, his Labour shadow, warned cutting inheritance tax during a cost-of-living crisis would be wrong amid some Tory unease over the possible move.

She also warned against the 鈥済radual erosion of people鈥檚 incomes鈥 if Mr Hunt goes ahead and squeezes billions from benefits payments, as has been under consideration.

Mr Hunt declared he wants to 鈥渂ring down our tax burden鈥 as he presented a positive tone after a year of urging restraint while battling to halve the rate of inflation.

鈥淚 think it鈥檚 important for a productive, dynamic, fizzing economy that you motivate people to do the work, to take the risks that we need,鈥 he told Sky鈥檚 Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips.

He stressed that 鈥渓ower tax is essential to economic growth鈥.

The Chancellor made clear to Times Radio that his 鈥減riority is backing British business鈥 and changes that 鈥渦nlock growth鈥.

Pressed if the high pressure of income tax could be eased, he stressed the need to act 鈥渋n a responsible way鈥.

鈥淚 want to show people there鈥檚 a path to lower taxes. But we also want to be honest with people, this is not going to happen overnight,鈥 he said. 鈥淚t requires enormous discipline year in, year out.鈥

Mr Hunt said he will not take any actions that would 鈥渏eopardise鈥 the fight against inflation, which is higher than wanted at 4.6%, though it has halved in the last year.

鈥淭he one thing we won鈥檛 do is any kind of tax cut that fuels inflation. We鈥檝e done all this hard work, we鈥檙e not going to throw that away,鈥 he told Sky, dampening hopes of cuts to income tax or national insurance.

The Sunday Times had reported Mr Hunt and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak are weighing up cuts to income tax or national insurance in a last-minute move to boost growth and their favour with voters.

Ms Reeves told the BBC鈥檚 Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg: 鈥淐utting inheritance tax in the middle of a massive cost-of-living crisis and when public services are on their knees is not the right priority.

鈥淚 understand people鈥檚 desire to pass onto their children what they have worked hard for, but right now that is not the right thing to do and we would not support it.鈥

Inflation graphic
(PA Graphics)

Typically, ministers use the September figure for inflation when uprating working-age benefits, which would mean a 6.7% hike.

However, the Chancellor has been considering using October鈥檚 far lower figure of 4.6%, which economists say would cut spending by around 拢3 billion.

The savings would largely affect working-age households receiving disability or means-tested benefits, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Ms Reeves said benefits should rise by the higher figure, adding: 鈥淚f you pick and choose from year to year which inflation number is the cheapest thing to do, then what you see is the gradual erosion of people鈥檚 incomes.鈥

Only about 4% of deaths in 2020/21 resulted in inheritance tax being paid, with exemptions allowing many couples to pass on up to 拢1 million tax-free.

Inheritance tax is charged at 40% on estates of more than 拢325,000, with an extra 拢175,000 towards a main residence passed to direct descendants.

The Conservatives are said to be considering cutting it in half before a potential promise to abolish it entirely in the next Tory manifesto, which could cost 拢7 billion a year in the short term.

However, the Institute for Fiscal Studies forecast that the amount that the tax raises could rise to more than 拢15 billion by 2033.

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