
From the terraces to the boardroom

Former chairman Sir Bob Murray outside the gates of Sunderland AFC

EVERYONE has their favourite house in the Island, the one they dream they could own one day but know damn well they never will.

It doesn鈥檛 necessarily have to be the grandest, the biggest or the most valuable. In some ways, your favourite other house has a distinct character and perhaps, even, gives you a distant feeling of attainability, even though it will still forever be out of reach.

For a long period of time, one of my favourite houses was the beautiful white Art Deco building that stood out along Route Orange in St Brelade. Les Lumi猫res, as it is called, also lit up the imagination of businessman Sir Bob Murray, who was a frequent visitor to UU裸聊直播. In fact, he liked it so much that he bought it, renovated it and moved in during the late 90s.

Murray obviously has a drive to attain the seemingly unattainable. After all, how many of us have also dreamed of owning our own football club and, better still, owning the club we supported as a child? Murray did that too. Having stood, as a young boy, on the terraces of Sunderland鈥檚 Roker Park with his father in the late 50s, watching his hero Len Shackleton, less than three decades later he was chairman of the club. The working-class boy from Consett had 鈥渄one good鈥.

His tenure as a chair was a rollercoaster ride from its start in 1986 to its end 20 years later. It began dismally, with Sunderland relegated to the third tier for the first time in the club鈥檚 history just one year after his appointment. They were back at the top within three seasons but relegated again after one.

It took another six seasons to get them back up, during which time they also reached the final of the FA Cup, losing to Liverpool 2-0 in 1992. But the club鈥檚 greatest achievement under his custodianship was building the 49,000-seater Stadium of Light, which opened in 1997.

Sunderland’s had the daring duo of Kevin Phillips and Niall Quinn under Sir Bob Murray’s tenure Picture: PA IMAGES

Murray looks back at his life, and his time with Sunderland, in his new autobiography, I鈥檇 Do It All Again, which was released last month. All sales proceeds from the book will go to the official club charity he established in 2001, the Foundation of Light, which aims to improve the education, health, wellbeing and happiness of people within local communities.

As well as reflecting on his own personal growth, alongside the fortunes and shortcomings of the football club, Murray delves into the sport鈥檚 many financial and ownership issues. He calls the formation of the Premier League 鈥渘eedless… driven by greed and was not in the interests of English football鈥 and raises the question of sportswashing in the game.

鈥淲hen I left in 2006, I couldn鈥檛 identify with it any more,鈥 Murray laments. 鈥淲e would sign a South American player who I hadn鈥檛 met, who couldn鈥檛 speak English, who had hangers-on, and whose first day at Sunderland was his best day and after that he didn鈥檛 want to be there.

鈥淸Before] my wife would know the players鈥 wives, we would buy them engagement presents, we鈥檇 go to the odd wedding, we鈥檇 know where they went on holiday, where they lived, we鈥檇 know their mum and dad.鈥

Such changes in the culture of football made it an easy decision for Murray to sell.

鈥淚 would have done it two years earlier but I was keen to find the right successor,鈥 he said.

That came in the shape of Niall Quinn, his star striker for six years, who had formed a formidable partnership with Kevin Phillips and led a consortium of Irish businessmen to take over the club.

鈥淚 needed to get out because it was all-consuming. I was getting towards 60 and I had a couple of health issues and I needed to get out of the game,鈥 Murray said.

Before leaving, he ensured that he left the club in rude health for the new owners but said he had seen other clubs 鈥 including the likes of Bolton Wanderers, Darlington, Bury, Macclesfield and Oldham Athletic 鈥 struggle, some of whom hit the wall because they were mismanaged.

鈥淵ou look around and bad ownership is everywhere,鈥 wrote Murray in his book. 鈥淭ake Manchester United in recent times 鈥 just a series of disasters stemming from bad leadership.鈥 Of course, in UU裸聊直播, we are now all too familiar with the fragility of a club鈥檚 existence following the demise of the Reds, who bit off more than they could chew.

鈥淗ow can you spend two pounds on the pound? Do you not think it will catch up with you?鈥 asks Murray rhetorically. 鈥淭hey didn鈥檛 need to win the league. When you鈥檝e only got 18 games and 2,000 people coming, x amount of corporate and the league gives you whatever they give you, that鈥檚 your income. But common sense goes out the window. You鈥檝e got to cut your cloth accordingly. They could have existed in that league on the income they had got because teams do. But the amateur team is the one that鈥檚 going to pick up now and people will get behind that.鈥

Sunderland had its own problems both before and after Murray, but he believes the club is in safe hands now with French businessman Kyril Louis-Dreyfuss.

鈥淲e鈥檝e got a good owner and he gets it. He鈥檚 one of the trustees at my charity. He understands what the club means to the local community. And they will go up to the Premiership. It is only a matter of when,鈥 Murray added.

鈥淭here are three types of owners. You鈥檝e got ones like Middlesbrough鈥檚 Steve Gibson, a traditional owner, who are very generous to the club and care passionately about the town and the people. Then you鈥檝e got someone who is a modern owner who gets it and then you鈥檝e got state ownership like Newcastle.

鈥淚 wouldn鈥檛 support Sunderland if they were owned by Saudis. I can identify with the current Sunderland team in every aspect because we鈥檝e got a very young team who work hard. That isn鈥檛 the case at Newcastle. And it鈥檚 not about them specifically. It just so happens to be an example of the change in football.鈥

In his book, Murray admits that sportswashing is a 鈥渉uge concern鈥. He cites Roman Abramovich鈥檚 ownership of Chelsea as the precursor of ownership of clubs by Arab states such as Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia 鈥渁s a means of trying to improve their tarnished reputations for human rights, persecution and corruption through sport鈥.

But while ruing this development, Murray has immense pride at what he achieved for Sunderland during his reign.

鈥淚 had Kevin Phillips here, top scorer in the Premier League, and I still get a Christmas card from him鈥 he said. 鈥淚鈥檝e had great players like Stefan Schwartz, the Sweden captain, Claudio Reyna, the American captain, and Quinn. But the thing that I鈥檓 proud of most is growing the crowds. From a male-only crowd of 14,000 to the vast crowds we get now, which are very mixed and family-orientated. The club has got a massive following. It鈥檚 a much-loved club and that makes the job harder because you鈥檙e carrying so much responsibility.

鈥淚鈥檝e had great experiences and massive disappointments.鈥

Sir Bob Murray鈥檚 book, I鈥檇 Do It All Again, is available from sirbobmurraybook.com. All of the cover price goes to the Foundation of Light charity.

Sir Bob Murray’s “I’d Do It All Again” (37016082)

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